Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Useful Hotkeys

Browser keyboard shortcuts

The Shell website has been designed with the needs of non-mouse users in mind, for example people with Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) who can only use an ergonomic keyboard to surf the web, or upper mobility problems who use voice input software as well as non-sighted users who use screen readers.

This section explains the ways you can navigate Shell web pages with just the keyboard and explains how standard keyboard shortcuts can make keyboard navigation much easier.

It is very easy, for example, to open Windows Explorer by holding down the Windows logo key and pressing E.

This is much quicker than clicking on the Start button, then Programs, then Accessories and finally Windows Explorer.

Please note that if you do not have the exact version of a particular browser then some or all of these shortcuts might not function.


Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x

Shortcut Key

Move virtual cursor to the top of the web page
CTRL + Home

Move virtual PC cursor to the end of the web doc
CTRL + End

Go to a new web page/visit a new site
CTRL + O or CTRL + l

Open another web browser window

To toggle the History pane/window on and off

To toggle the Favorites pane/window on and off

To bookmark the currently loaded page as a Favorite

Opens the 'organize your Favorites' treeview window (Turn off virtual cursor first with insert z)

Move cursor to the Address bar
Alt + D

Stop downloading current page

Refresh the currently loaded web page


Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.1

General Shortcuts

Turn Full Screen Mode on or off

Cycle through the Address Bar, Refresh button, Search Box, and items on a web page

Find a word or phrase on a page

Open the current webpage in a new window

Print the page

Select all items on the page

Zoom in

Zoom out

Zoom to 101


Go to home page
ALT + Home

Go backwards
ALT + Left

Go forward
ALT + Right

Refresh page

Refresh page and the cache

Stop downloading page


Open Favourites

Open Favourites in pinned mode

Organise Favourites

Add current page to Favourites

Open Feeds

Open Feeds in pinned mode

Open History

Open History in pinned mode


Open link in new background tab
CTRL+left mouse button or middle mouse button

Open link in new foreground tab
CTRL+SHIFT+left mouse button or CTRL+SHIFT+middle mouse button

Close tab (closes window if only one tab is open)

Open Quick Tab view

Open new tab

View list of open tabs

Switch to next tab

Switch to previous tab


Select the Address Bar

Add "http://www." to the beginning and ".com" to the end of text in Address Bar

Add “http://www.” to the beginning and the website address suffix you have specified to the end of text in the Address Bar*

Open the website address that is typed in the Address Bar in new tab
ALT + Enter

View list of previously typed addresses


Select the Search Bar

View list of search providers

Open search results in new tab


Delete cookies, passwords, form data, history, and temporary Internet files
Tools > Delete Browsing History

Find and install add-ons
Tools > Manage Add-ons > Find More Add-ons

Print part of page
Select part of the page you want to print, press CTRL+P, click Selection, and then click Print

Change website address suffix*
Tools > Internet Options > Languages


Next link up
Shift + ↑

Next link down
Shift + ↓

Next link to the left
Shift + ←

Next link to the right
Shift + →

Activate link

Activate link in new tab
Shift + Enter


Previous page in history
Z or Ctrl + ← or Alt + ←

Next page in history
X or Ctrl + → or Alt + →

Reload the current page
F5 or Ctrl + R

Shift + Z

Fast forward
Shift + X

Show entire backward history
Alt + Z

Show entire forward history
Alt + X


Find text in page
Ctrl + F or .(period), or /

Find next instance of text
Ctrl + G

Find previous instance of text
Ctrl + Shift + G

Find text in links in page
, (comma), or Shift + /


Use entire screen for viewing page

Pretend to be small-screen device
Shift + F12


Zoom in 10%
+ or 1

Zoom out 10%
- or 10

Zoom in 100%
Ctrl + or 9

Zoom out 100%
Ctrl - or 8

Restore zoom to 100%


Open file
Ctrl + O

Save copy of page
Ctrl + S

Print preview (toggle)
Shift + P

Print page
Ctrl + P

Close Opera
Ctrl + Q

For more information and additional keyboard shortcuts for other browsers please visit the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) website.

Help customising the site
On this page we explain how you can change text size using your web browser, how to magnify your screen and how to change the text and background colour to better suit your reading needs.

Making text larger
Magnifying your screen
Changing the font
Changing font and background colour
Making text larger
A lot of web pages can be difficult to view because the text is too small to comfortably read. Choose from the following web browsers for step-by-step instructions on how to increase the size of the text on any web page you are viewing:

Internet Explorer (5.0, 5.5 6.0 7.0)
1. Open your Internet Explorer browser.
2. Open the ‘View’ menu with the mouse.
3. Click on ‘Text Size’.
4. Choose your preferred text size with the mouse, or use the up and down arrow keys and press 'Enter'.

Firefox (1.0, 1.5, 2.0)
1. Open your Firefox browser.
2. Open the ‘View’ menu.
3. Click on ‘Text Size’.
4. Click on ‘Increase’. A quicker way to increase the text size is to hold Ctrl (Cmd in Mac OS X) and scroll down with your mouse.

Opera (9.0)
1. Open your Opera browser.
2. Open the ‘View’ menu.
3. Click on ‘Zoom’.
4. Click on your required zoom level

Safari (3)
1. Open your Safari browser.
2. Open the ‘View’ menu.
3. Select the “Make text larger” menu item.

Note: If this does not work it could be because your computer settings cannot be changed due to local IT policies - contact your local IT support for further help.


Magnifying your screen
If increasing the text size via the browser or Windows options does not make text easy to read another solution is to magnify your screen. All recent versions of Windows include magnification software, which can make it easier to read text on the screen.

The Windows magnifier lets you increase text to a very large size. It is, however, restricted to a small portion of the screen so most visually impaired people find that they require fully-functional magnification software.

Windows 95, 98, 2000, Me, XP, Vista
1. Open the Start menu by clicking on the Start button or by pressing the Windows logo key (located between the Ctrl + Alt keys on most keyboards) alternatively press Ctrl + Esc
2. Click on Programs or alternatively press P on the keyboard until Programs is highlighted and then press Enter
3. Click on Accessories or press A on the keyboard until Accessories is highlighted and then press Enter
4. Click on Accessibility or if you are using the keyboard, it will already be highlighted so just press Enter
5. Click on Magnifier or press M and when Magnifier is highlighted, press Enter on the keyboard
6. The magnifier is now turned on and the settings box appears.
7. You can click in the magnification level box to change the level of magnification, or use the up and down arrow keys
8. You can minimise the magnifier settings box by clicking the minimise button or by pressing Alt + Spacebar and then press N

Note: Your maximum and minimum zoom levels can be set from the “Zoom Options…” button.

Changing the font
Internet Explorer (5.0, 5.5 6.0 and 7.0)
1. Open your Internet Explorer browser
2. Open the ‘Tools’ menu with the mouse
3. Click on ‘Internet Options’, or press 'O'
4. Click ‘Accessibility’, or press Alt+E
5. Check the ‘Ignore font styles specified on Web pages’ checkbox with the mouse or by pressing Alt+S
6. Click ‘OK’, or press enter
7. Click ‘Fonts’, or press Alt+N
8. Select a web page font of your choice with the mouse, or by pressing Alt+W and arrowing through the list
9. Click 'OK' twice, or press Enter twice

Firefox (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0)
1. Click on the 'Tools' menu with the mouse or press 'Alt ' + 'T'
2. Click on 'Options', or press 'O' to open the ' Options ' dialog box
3. Make sure that the 'General' option is selected - if not either click on it or press 'Tab' until it is highlighted and then press 'Enter'
4. Click on ' Fonts & Colors ' or press 'F'
5. Click on the box next to 'proportional:' and choose your font type - serif or sans serif - or press 'Tab' until the option box is highlighted, use the arrow keys to expand it and choose your font type and then press 'Enter'
6. Choose your specific font by clicking on the 'Serif:' or 'Sans-serif:' drop down menus depending on what font type you selected for 'Proportional' and scroll down and select the font you want or 'Tab' into the relevant drop down menu ('Serif:' or 'Sans-Serif:') and use the arrow keys to move 'up' and 'down' the list. Once the font you want is highlighted press 'Enter' to select it.
7. Click on 'Always use my:' 'Fonts' checkbox, or press 'Tab' until the checkbox is highlighted and press the 'Spacebar'
8. Click 'OK' or press 'Enter'
9. Click 'OK' or tab to 'OK' button and press 'Enter '
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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kentucky Fried Cruelty ( KFC )

The roughly 1 billion chickens killed each year for KFC's buckets are crammed by the tens of thousands into excrement-filled sheds that stink of ammonia fumes.

The birds’ legs and wings often break because they’re bred to be too top-heavy and because workers carelessly shove them into transport crates and shackles.

  • Chickens’ throats are slit and the animals are dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water to remove their feathers, often while they are still conscious and able to feel pain.

  • KFC lets frustrated factory-farm and slaughterhouse workers handle live birds, so many of the animals end up being sadistically abused.

  • At a KFC “Supplier of the Year” slaughterhouse in West Virginia, workers were documented tearing the heads off live birds, spitting tobacco into their eyes, spray-painting their faces, and violently stomping on them.

  • This was discovered more than two years after KFC promised PETA that it was taking animal welfare seriously.

  • KFC hides behind its Animal Welfare Advisory Council, even though five members of the council have resigned in frustration. One of them, Adele Douglass, told the Chicago Tribune that KFC “never had any meetings. They never asked any advice, and then they touted to the press that they had this animal-welfare advisory committee. I felt like I was being used.”

  • How KFC Can Clean Up Its Act
    PETA wants KFC to adopt the animal welfare program developed by five members of its own animal welfare board. These advisors are the world’s top poultry experts; they advise the meat industry in North America and Europe and believe that KFC can—and should—adopt them. KFC has yet to do any of the following:

  • Adopt the “Animal Care Standards” program. This would lower the amount of ammonia in the air in factory farms, improve the living spaces and lighting in chicken sheds, prohibit the intentional starving of breeding birds, and ensure that birds are provided with mental and physical stimulation.

  • Switch to controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK). This would prevent live birds in slaughterhouses from being abused by workers, having their throats slit, or being scalded while they were still conscious. CAK would also improve conditions for workers and decrease contamination levels in chickens’ flesh.

  • Switch to mechanized chicken gathering. This would drastically reduce the number of broken bones and painful bruising that birds endure when factory-farm workers carelessly throw them into transport crates.

  • Breed for health rather than rapid growth, and stop feeding drugs to chickens. This would reduce the rate at which birds suffer painful, crippling diseases and injuries, such as broken legs, heart attacks, and lung failures.

  • Make all welfare standards transparent and verifiable. This would simply ensure that the animal welfare program is being adhered to through announced and unannounced independent audits (the results of which must be made available to the public through KFC’s Web site).


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Thursday, December 3, 2009

A 90-year-old's 45 lessons‏ (Must Read)

A 90-year-old's 45 lessons‏

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me.

It is the most-requested column I've ever written."

"My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column oncemore:

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends andparents will. Stay in touch. 5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what theirjourney is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; Godnever blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one isup to you and no one else. 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take nofor an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie.Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, willthis matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you didor didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's,we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves.

source : Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland ,Ohio.
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The japanese tradition

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Asthma sufferers misuse their medication

Millions of asthmatics could be taking their medication incorrectly, according to a leading pharmacist.

Many are unsure about when or how to use inhalers, which reduces their effectiveness and can be a health risk.

The level of public confusion came to light as a result of the new Boots Asthma Inhaler Check, part of the High Street chemist's NHS-funded Medicines Check-Up scheme launched last summer. The free nationwide service is designed to help patients use long-term prescription drugs properly.

During a 15-minute in-store check, a pharmacist helps with inhaler technique and reviews whether the right drug has been prescribed to suit individual needs. Patients are also offered help in identifying triggers that make their asthma worse.

More than five million individuals in the UK receive treatment for asthma. Boots pharmacist Angela Chalmers says: 'When a patient is diagnosed, there is a lot of information to take in, which can be misunderstood or forgotten. We have found that nine out of ten patients are not using their inhaler properly.'

Asthma causes the airways in the lungs to become inflamed and swollen, often as a reaction to certain irritants. Common triggers include dust mites, animal fur, pollen, tobacco smoke and cold air. Symptoms include wheezing, coughing and tightness in the chest.

Inhalers used to treat asthma fall broadly into two categories - reliever medicines that are used during an attack and regular preventative therapy to stop attacks from happening. A second regular inhaler may be given to those with severe asthma.

'We found patients either breathe in too fast or not strongly enough,' explains Chalmers. 'If individuals can't alter their technique, we can speak to their GP about finding a different medicine.'
A study at Belfast City Hospital published last month revealed 35 per cent of asthmatics used half or less of their prescribed medication, and 21 per cent used more than prescribed.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Why does my dog (or cat) eat grass?

It all began when I was walking past this grass patch in the morning when I realised there was this cat eat and chewing onto the grass in front. I started to ponder and wonder why cats eat grass ? Are they too hungry? or too free ?

Question: Frequently Asked Question: Why does my dog (or cat) eat grass?
Why do pets eat grass? It may be normal, some pets seem to like the taste of grass. They not be feeling well and eat grass to vomit. Or they may vomit after eating grass. There are many theories about pets and grass, but if your pet exhibits an odd appetite (eating non-food items regularly, called pica), or regular vomiting, please contact your vet as soon as possible.

Answer: This is an age-old question, one that I have never really seen a clear cut answer to. I think there are many possibilities: they like the taste of grass, they are hungry, they are not feeling well and eating something to see if that helps (kind of like humans do sometimes!).
Grass is also part of a carnivore's diet -- usually consumed when they feed on smaller prey and consume the entire animal; including grassy stomach contents.

Most dogs do best with 2 or more small feedings a day rather than one large feeding. Cats optimally would feed several small meals throughout the day. Ideally, for both dogs and cats, food should be available at all times. This aids in weight control (food is no longer a "big deal" and helps maintain digestive health. This is not possible in many situations and busy lifestyles, but if possible, my preferred way to feed pets.

A commercial diet or well-prepared home diet should not be lacking in essential nutrients. If they have an empty stomach, bile may reflux (flow back up in to the stomach from the intestine) and this is irritating. This can cause vomiting of clear, yellow fluid.

Any time that your pet experiences lack of appetite, eating odd items (pica), or vomiting, it is always best to check with your vet. Gastrointestinal blockages are emergencies. Changes in appetite or vomiting can also indicate internal disease (kidney failure, hyperthyroidism, etc.), toxin ingestion, or infectious disease, just to name a few possibilities. Always best to check things out with your vet.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Drinking more water will not improve COMPLEXION, Experts say

Nugget: Unfounded: A girl tops up her glass of water. Experts now says there's little evidence that water improves your skin

For years, women have been glugging down eight glasses of water a day in pursuit of a glowing complexion (or feeling guilty if they didn't).

Now experts say that a balanced diet and lots of sunscreen are far more important in keeping wrinkles at bay.

The finding will come as a relief to those who have found the drinking regime something of an ordeal.

The widely-held belief that we need eight cups of water a day to keep the skin and body healthy was investigated by the British Nutrition Foundation.

Its 'Food for the Skin' review concluded there is no firm evidence to back up the theory.

Or, as the BNF put it: 'There currently appears to be very little scientific evidence relating to the effects of water consumption on skin hydration, and whether drinking more or less water actually has any impact on skin appearance.'
Researcher Heather Yuregir said: 'Drinking water for the sake of drinking water really has no effect on improving the appearance of skin.'

But diet and sun exposure really do affect complexion, she said.
Vitamins A, B, C and E, contained in a range of fruit and vegetables, help keep the skin elastic, protect it from age-related damage and help with the growth of new skin.
Not eating enough of them can cause problems such as scurvy and dry, scaly skin.

It is also clear that sun-worshipping ages the skin, causing mottling, a leathery texture and deep wrinkles.

Mrs Yuregir, a nutrition scientist, said: 'The common belief that drinking plenty of water is required for healthy skin appearance is actually not backed up by scientific evidence.
'Fruit and veg can keep your skin functioning as it should and keep it looking healthy.
'And sun cream is recommended to prevent the signs of ageing because the majority of signs of ageing that appear on the skin are caused by sun damage.'

The BNF review follows research published last year which concluded that drinking water does not help slimmers lose weight.
The weight and waist size of more than 1,000 young women was compared with the amount of water they consumed each day - both from drinks and food.

The Japanese study found no link between water in drinks, including water itself, tea, coffee, soft drinks and fruit juices, and body shape.
But foods rich in water, such as fruit, vegetables, soups and casseroles, appeared to help in the battle of the bulge.
This may be because water-rich foods are also high in fibre, making people feel full faster and stopping them from over-eating.

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How to eat a chicken wing

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Meditation reduce heart attacks by up to 47%

A relaxation technique beloved by 1960s hippies can have a beneficial effect on heart disease and stress, a study has shown.
Transcendental meditation techniques that were all the rage during the Summer of Love can halve the rate of heart attacks and strokes in patients with cardiovascular disease.

The relaxation therapy - whose advocates include former Beatles as well as film directors Clint Eastwood and David Lynch - also dramatically cut premature deaths in a nine-year study.

The study involved 201 African-American men and women with an average age of 59 who suffered from narrowing of arteries in their hearts.

They were randomly assigned to either practise transcendental meditation or take health education classes providing dietary and exercise advice.
Those in the first group were asked to spend at least 20 minutes twice a day meditating while sitting with their eyes closed.

Heart attacks, strokes,and deaths fell by 47 per cent in the meditation group.
Dr Robert Schneider, of the Maharishi University of Management in Iowa, said: 'This is the first controlled clinical trial to show that long-term practice of this particular stress reduction programme reduces the incidence of clinical cardiovascular events, that is heart attacks, strokes and mortality.'

This is really OMG !!!

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Japanese Library Game

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How to watch on MegaVideo without 72 minute Limit

Here are two tricks you can use to watch MegaVideo movies without the 72 minutes limit. These two method do work 100% but it’s up to you which one you are going to chose or is easier for you.

Method 1:

First of all if your movie stopped after 72 minutes copy the url. Than go to your cable/dsl modem and unplug it from the power as well as router if you have one for about 2 minute. First plug in the cable/dsl modem back and wait until sync, after that plug in the router.

This will change your IP address, open new browser paste the url and than just click on the bar in MegaVideo to about 1 hour (depends on how long the video is long.)

Method 2:

If you found the video you want to watch hit PAUSE button, wait until full movie finish buffering. Go to File>Work Offline on your browser (this is for firefox, see tools etc for safari and IE) , hit play and watch the video , after you are done watching don’t forget to go back to “Work Offline” make sure is unchecked.

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Piranhas Facts

Piranhas have just about the same reputation as great white sharks, in that they are man eaters and the Hollywood movie scene loves to show their worst side whenver is appropriate. Their amazing apetite for meat is what originally gave them the bad repuation. There are many piranha fish facts that you would find extremely interesting. While many humans fear these fish, there are thousands of natives that swim in the same bodies of water with these fish and go unharmed.

Piranhas generally pose little threat to humans, and attacks on humans are extremely rare. Natives frequently swim in piranha infested water without attacks or scratches. It is not recommended to swim where piranha live in drought season because of increased aggressiveness caused by food scarcity. Piranha fish also have the same sensory system that enables sharks to detect blood in miniscule amounts, so it is believed that swimming with an open cut may enhance the chance of an attack.

Stories about schools of piranhas turning horses or people into skeletons within seconds are the result of numerous re-tellings and exaggerations over the years. While piranha schools can reach over a thousand in count, and bites do happen, there are no documented reports of someone being killed in a piranha attack. There are, however, documented cases of people dying from other causes and then being consumed by piranha (they just happened to be the scavenger that got there first).

More info :

The piranha is a type of freshwater fish found in the rivers of the South American jungles. The piranha can be found in nearly every country in South America and the piranha have been appearing more recently in the south of the USA.

The piranha fish has a single row of razor-sharp teeth with the piranha being most commonly known for their taste for blood. The piranha feeds on fish, mammals and birds alike, with the wholes group of piranhas feeding together in a slight frenzy.

Despite the carnivorous nature of the piranha, the piranha is actually an omnivore and will eat almost anything that it can find. Piranhas mainly feed on fish, snails, insects and aquatic plants occasionally eating larger mammals and birds that fall into the water.

Despite it's feared nature, the piranha actually has a number of predators in the wild, including humans that hunt the piranha for food. Piranhas are preyed upon by large predators such as river dolphins (known as botos), crocodiles, turtles, birds and larger fish.

source , source2,source3
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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Funny Japanese Performance Facial Expression

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Viagra: The profitable pill

When Pfizer launched Viagra in 1998 its share price doubled within days. Since then, the little blue pills have become a pillar of profit, earning the company more than £1bn a year.

Thanks to promotional campaigns, which included appearances by the footballing legend Pele, male impotence lost some of its stigma and 25 million men requested the pills. In England alone, GPs write about 6m Viagra prescriptions a year.

The drug started life in a lab in Sandwich, Kent, where it was developed to treat high blood pressure. Its transformation into a blockbuster treatment for impotence began when volunteers in a clinical trial reported a suspicious number of erections. The overnight success of Viagra prompted Pfizer to wonder if the drug had any effect in women. They raised awareness of a condition called "female sexual arousal disorder", an all-encompassing phrase for sexual dysfunction, and began clinical trials. The trials were a failure and the attempt to have Viagra licensed for the condition was abandoned.

Pfizer has been criticised for overstating the benefits of Viagra. It claims "more than half of all men over 40 have some difficulty getting and maintaining an erection". In 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration forced Pfizer to pull a series of advertisements because it made unsubstantiated claims about the drug's effectiveness.

Some psychologists warn Viagra has become a lifestyle drug that encourages people to neglect underlying mental or physiological problems that can cause impotence. The anti-obestity drug, orlistat, came under fire for similar reasons. Critics said it fostered the misconception that modern ills can be dealt with by a pill instead of living a healthier life.


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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Japanese running game show

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Playing Nintendo Wii is 'as healthy as a jog or swim'

Playing video games on the Wii device could protect couch potatoes from having a heart attack, scientists claimed today.

Some of the fitness games available on the computing system involve the user expending as much energy as moderate exercise such as cycling to work.
The best games to improve your health are boxing games and the 'single-arm stand' part of the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus game.

The findings will be welcomed by the Department of Health, which has endorsed the Nintendo Wii Fit Plus: the first computer game to be backed by the government.

The game is allowed to use the NHS's Change4Life logo on its packaging and in advertising.
The Nintendo-funded study was led by Motohiko Miyachi, head of physical activity at the National Institute of Health and Nutrition in Tokyo.
He told the American Heart Association meeting: 'It's a very easy and fun way to start exercising.'

The study found that about one-third of the games and activities included in the Wii sports and Wii fit packages require an energy expenditure of more than 3 METs - a measure of how much energy is expended.

A MET rate of 1 is equivalent to sitting and watching TV, while a rate of 3 is the same as light exercise on an exercise bike, or sexual activity.
The most effective exercise in the study was the single-arm stand featured in the Wii Fit, which came in at 5.6 METs - not much less than moderate jogging.

The Wii sports boxing game is came out with an energy expenditure of 4.5 METs - more than cycling to work or for pleasure.
Both the Wii tennis and baseball games produced moderate intensity expenditures of 3 METs.
But those who play golf games on their Wii will not get the same benefit. These only produce METs of 2 - equivalent to a stroll in the countryside.
METs stands for metabolic equivalent values - a standard method of estimating energy expenditure.

Mr Miyachi said that while the study does not prove health benefits of these games, he said increased time spent playing them 'may contribute to prevention of cardiovascular diseases.'
Mr Miyachi, who said he enjoys the Wii tennis and baseball games, hopes to measure the physical activity expended playing the new Wii resort games and called on other video game makers to develop more active entertainment.
Noting the growing obesity epidemic in Western countries such as the U.S. and the UK, he said some physical activity, even of the video variety, is better than none.

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Three killed and ate man as a kebab

Russian police have arrested three homeless men suspected of killing and eating a 25-year-old and selling parts of his body to a kebab and pie kiosk.

The alarm was raised when bits of a corpse were found near a bus stop on the outskirts of Perm, about 720 miles east of Moscow.

A statement on the Perm police website said the three alleged cannibals had previous criminal records.

The statement said they were detained on suspicion of stabbing a man to death and then chopping him up for food.

It went on: "After carrying out the crime, the corpse was divided up.

"Part was eaten and part was also sold to a kiosk selling kebabs and pies."

It was not clear from the statement if the kiosk had cooked any of the man's flesh and sold it to customers.

The three suspects are due to appear in court on Monday.

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Evidents of AIDS is a biological weapon

The following are some FACTS and RESEARCHES did on AIDS :

  1. William Campbell Douglas, M.D., National Health Federation's 1985 Doctor of the Year, published AIDS:The End of Civilization, 1989, detailing the development of HIV by scientists working at the army's biowarfare lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

  2. Alan Cantwell Jr, M.D. has published two well-documented books, AIDS and the Doctors of Death (1988) and Queer Blood (1993) outlining the man-made origin of AIDS. Dr. Cantwell, who has published over 30 papers on his cancer microbe research, initially dismissed AIDS biowarfare as absurd until he investigated the evidence compiled by the Strecker brothers. Queer Blood won the Benjamin Franklin Book Award in 1994.

  3. John Seale, M.D. concludes AIDS was man-made in "Origins of the AIDS Viruses, HIV-1 and HIV-2: Fact or Fiction?" (The British Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 81:617-619, 1988) .

  4. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas E. Bearden (U.S. Army, retired) published AIDS Biological Warfare in 1988 which maintains that HIV was developed in American biowarfare labs. Bearden holds a Master of Science degree in nuclear engineering and a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics, and heads an aerospace firm in Georgia.

  5. Dr. Leonard Horowitz, DMD, MA, MPH, a Harvard graduate, published Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola -- Nature, Accident or Genocide in 1996. OutpostS Book Review calls it: "The most massive, well-documented assembly of evidence ever published in support of the idea that the AIDS virus could have been manufactured as a biological weapon... If you scoff at the notion, you won't be so cocky once you see how much evidence exists."

  • That Col. David L. Huxsoll, commander of the U.S. Army Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md., has received $60 million for research in biological ethnic weapons.

  • That Col. David L. Huxsoll, commander of the U.S. Army Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md., has received $60 million for research in biological ethnic weapons.

  • That it might be possible to wage ethnic warfare by developing substances that affect one race more than another. According to Newsweek magazine, Jan. 16, 1989, an example would include 'Valley fever, which is much more likely to kill blacks than whites.' Another substance, developed at a southern California university, is believed to kill only people with melanin in their skin.

  • That it is a coincidence that Fort Detrick, which is where Col. Huxsoll's biological research is being conducted, is also the site of AIDS research....

  • These allegations go to the very root of our constitutional form of government and basic world human rights, and must be responded to by elected governmental officials on all levels. Nothing less than a Congressional hearing and investigation that may lead to a full world conference in the United Nations is needed to clarify and defuse the alleged mentally deranged plan of world depopulation by ethnic weapons." (Published in the Executive Intelligence Review, 3/17/89)

  • The New Delhi Patriot (India), on July 4, 1984, was the first newspaper in the world to run a story claiming AIDS was created in a U.S. Biological Warfare Lab (contrary to FBI disinformation that the story originated as Soviet propaganda).

  • The Literaturnya Gazeta (U.S.S.R.) first reported that the U.S. military of bioengineered AIDS sixteen months later, on October 30, 1985.

  • The New York Native was the first American paper to report the story, quoting an anonymous source who worked for the Fort Detrick Biological Warfare Lab in Bethesda, Maryland, and claimed that the AIDS biowarfare program was called "Operation Firm Hand." (4/13/87) The New York Times reported that "Fort Detrick was the Army's biological warfare development center until 1969 and is now the site of some AIDS-related research." (4/8/87)

  • It is strange that the Pentagon's biowarfare lab would be converted into an AIDS research lab. A comment by a Fort Detrick official published in the Philadelphia Daily News implies that the lab is involved in much more than researching the cause and treatment of AIDS. Col. David L. Huxsoll told a meeting of scientists, "studies at the Army laboratories have shown that the AIDS virus would be an extremely poor biological warfare agent." (2/18/87) Yet, the latest government study shows AIDS to be a very good selective killer.

  • The National Research Council concluded, "HIV infection and AIDS will remain limited to specific geographic areas and risk groups identified at the beginning of the epidemic: gay men and more particularly an ever-growing population of urban, drug-addicted, poverty-ridden, malnourished, hopeless and medically deprived people." (The Wall Street Journal, 3/17/93)

  • Tony Brown's Journal, the longest-running black public affairs program on PBS, aired a four-part series on man-made AIDS: "The First AIDS Whistle-Blower" with Dr. Strecker (#1214); "What Causes AIDS" with Dr. Cantwell (#1215); "Is AIDS A Biological Experiment?" with Dr. Leonard Cole (#1217); and "Is AIDS Man-made?" with Dr. Rudolph Jackson (#1132). Bill Cosby stated his belief that AIDS was man-made on CNN, Thanksgiving 1991. Polls show two-thirds of African Americans believe AIDS to be man-made.

  • The London Times ran a front page story, "SMALLPOX VACCINE TRIGGERED AIDS VIRUS," (5/11/87) in which two World Health Organization officials connected the outbreak of AIDS in Africa to the 1977 smallpox vaccination program. This important story never appeared in any mainstream U.S. news media. Nor has the 1979 New York City hepatitis B vaccine trial blood samples containing the first confirmed cases of AIDS.

  • U.S. Representative Pat Schroeder (D. Colo.) responded to Dr. Nicolson's research: "This country cannot stand another cover-up.... Now we have a respected scientist with very impressive professional credentials who says he not only identified the cause of Gulf War syndrome, but he knows how to cure it as well. And this vital information is being ignored by the Pentagon and the Department of Veteran's Affairs. That's outrageous! This matter should be thoroughly investigated by the House National Security Committee. I plan to request such an investigation."

  • Brotherly Lovers Of Original Democracy, founded 1994 in Philidelphia, is petitioning Congress for a hearing on AIDS biowarfare, and has accumulated over 3,000 signatures. For further information, please contact: Eric Taylor, 412-835-8024,

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Robert Gallo, creator of AIDS ?

In a book, Virus [2000], Luc Montagnier (the French virologist who co-discovered HIV) blames promiscuous American gay tourists for bringing this new mycoplasma to Africa, and for bringing back HIV. He provides no evidence for this homophobic theory. Nor does he mention the various mycoplasmas that were passed around in the 1970s in scientific labs, and the fact that these microbes were frequent contaminants in virus cultures and vaccines.

Was HIV (and the KS herpes virus and a new mycoplasma) introduced into gays during these vaccine trials when thousands of homosexuals were injected in Manhattan beginning in 1978, and in the West Coast cities in 1980-1981?

As mentioned, the first gay AIDS cases erupted in Manhattan a few months after the gay experiment began at the NY Blood Center. When a blood test for HIV became available in the mid-1980s, the Center's stored gay blood specimens were reexamined. Most astonishing is the statistically significant fact that 20% of the gay men who volunteered for the hepatitis B experiment in New York were discovered to be HIV-positive in 1980 (a year before the AIDS epidemic became "official" in 1981). This signifies that Manhattan gays in 1980 had the highest incidence of HIV anywhere in the world, including Africa, the supposed birthplace of HIV and AIDS. And epidemic cases in Africa did not appear until 1982.

Although denied by the AIDS establishment, a few researchers are convinced that these vaccine experiments served as the vehicle through which HIV was introduced into the gay population. My own extensive research into the hepatitis B experiments is presented in AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic [1988], and in Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot [1993]. These books also debunk the preposterous "Patient Zero" story of 1987, which claimed a promiscuous gay Canadian airline steward brought AIDS to America. The highly implausible story was sensationalized in the media and served to further obscure the origin of AIDS in America and blame gay promiscuity. Even Montagnier is doubtful that the U.S. epidemic could have developed from a single patient.


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AIDS are man made?

The media and the AIDS scientists have never told the real history of AIDS and its origin to the world public. We are repeatedly told that HIV came from Africa.

But how is that sexually and biologically possible? How could a supposedly black African heterosexual disease- that some scientists claim has been around for decades or centuries in Africa- suddenly transform itself into an exclusively white male homosexual disease in America, and at a time when AIDS was unknown in Africa?

Is AIDS, in reality, a man-made disease originally produced by human experimentation or human error? Could the bio-engineering of dangerous viruses that preceded the "gay plague" be responsible for the origin of AIDS? In view of covert and unethical government-sponsored human radiation experiments that preceded AIDS, is it fair to blame gays, blacks and chimpanzees for a disease that could have been started by vaccine programs utilizing gays and blacks as guinea-pigs?

These are historical issues that will never be considered by the media in the wake of the AIDS controversies surrounding "The Reagans" and "Angels in America." However, there is strong evidence to suggest that HIV/AIDS is indeed a man-made disease, and it is time to "rewrite history" to include long-forgotten and suppressed facts about AIDS and its origin.

By Alan Cantwell, Jr

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Proof of more dystonia in H1N1 vaccines

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Serious Side Effects of H1N1 Flu Shot

Side effects include : mild fever, mild pain, redness, swelling, decreased movement, severe or persistent and dystonia ...

Cheerleader disabled as a result of the flu shot. As with anything you take there are risks but you can bet it this had been a natural product the FDA wouldn’t be saying -” Gee its a one in a million problem – we’re sorry.” They would be yanking that product off the shelves! And this is simply just another problem with flu shots. And nope – this wasn’t the swine flu shot from what I understand just the regular one.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Example of Miscommunication

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Tomato helps prevent heart problem

A syrup extracted from tomato pips is the latest treatment for preventing blood clots.
As well as cutting the risk of heart attacks and stroke, the food supplement may have advantages over a standard drug treatment, low-dose aspirin.

Professor Asim Duttaroy discovered a chemical in tomatoes that has a milder but broader effect than aspirin.
Unfortunately eating lots of tomatoes doesn't have the same benefit.

The product, which was developed by Provexis, is designed to be used by manufacturers as an additive in foods, such as juices, margarines and yoghurts, without affecting their taste.
Currently, it is used in Sirco fruit juice available in some supermarkets (costing between £1 and £2).
'If the EFSA have said Fruitflow is effective, we are happy to accept that it is,' says Ursula Arens of the British Dietetic Association.

'Many people find it hard to make radical changes to their diet to protect their hearts, so if there is an easily accessible food product that lowers the risk we welcome that.Read more:

Facts on Aspirin is taken by millions of otherwise healthy people to thin their blood and lower the risk of dangerous clots.

However, last week a major analysis found that unless you have a history of heart trouble, the benefits of taking it are outweighed by the raised risk of internal bleeding.

Basically, healthy people should not be taking aspirin as a preventative.
Unlike aspirin, the new tomato treatment, Fruitflow, doesn't cause bleeding. Its effects also last just 18 hours - compared with ten days for aspirin.
This is important because it makes the effects more easily reversible: if you suffer an injury or need surgery, doctors have to quickly restore normal clotting to prevent excessive blood loss.
Both Fruitflow and aspirin work by tackling platelets, tiny cells in the blood.

Normally these platelets are smooth, but inflammation in the blood vessels - linked to smoking, high cholesterol and stress - causes them to become spiky,
They then clump together, forming clots (a process known as platelet aggregation).

Aspirin strongly blocks one set of signals that causes this to happen. Fruitflow more gently damps down three others - this is enough to reduce the risk of clotting.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

3 simple eye exercises

Facing the work screen for hours is hard on the eyes.
That's why if you hold a desk-bound job, you're more likely to experience fatigue, eyestrain, and blurred vision. To reduce eye fatigue, experts recommend doing eye relaxation exercises after every 30 minutes of computer work. So make it a habit to protect your eyes with these relaxation exercises.

Eye Relaxing Exercises

1 Alternate focusing

Look out a window or at distant objects about 5 meters away from your work area. Then place your finger on your nose and focus on the finger tip. Alternate between focusing on the distant object and finger tip

2 Palming

Shut out light by cupping your hands over the eyes, with the palms resting on the cheekbones. You may still see other lingering traces of colors, but try to focus on blackness. Keep the light out for 15 to 20 seconds while taking deep breaths. Then uncover the eyes.

3 Eye circles

Keeping your head still, do a series of eye rotation, alternating between clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.

Dry eye syndrome

A common cause of dry eye syndrome is insufficient blinking. Squinting at a computer screen for prolonged hours reduces the rate of blinking, and can result in dry, irritated eyes. Using an over-the-counter eye drop can help alleviate this problem.
Signs of eye fatigueIf you experience any of the symptoms below, it's time for you to take a break!
  1. Blurred vision

  2. Tired eyes

  3. Dry eyes

  4. Eye pain

  5. Stiff shoulders

  6. Back pain

  7. Headaches

  8. Nausea


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H5N1 BIRD FLU By 2010

Polish Health Minister Ewa Kopacz expects an outbreak of the deadly H5N1 BIRD FLU between January and March of 2010 ! The Polish Health Minister Ewa Kopacz said recently at a press conference transmitted by Polish television channel TVN24 that the government will reject mass swine flu vacccination for its population because of safety concerns over the jab.

Kopacz said that the government would base its decision to use the swine flu vaccine based on the data from reliable clinical trials, but that there were no such reliable data for the swine flu jabs.
We will not order any AH1N1 vaccines unless there is full evidence they are completely safe, she said.
Each government is responsible for the welfare and health of its citizens, for recommending them health and safe medicines. So far, on any stage, no company we are negotiating with has been able to provide us with the most important thing for us the evidence of jabs safety and that it will not have possible side effects, she said.
I will not work under pressure! We will not order any AH1N1 vaccines unless there is full evidence they are completely safe, Ewa Kopacz said.
Ewa Kopacz also said that the ordinary, seasonal flu is much more dangerous than swine flu.

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Walk Slower Die Faster

Older people who walk slowly are about three times more likely to die from heart disease than those who walk faster, researchers said today.
Walking speed has already been linked to other issues such as falls, disability and increased number of admissions to hospital.

Now experts say that walking slowly is 'strongly associated' with an increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke.

A total of 3,208 men and women aged 65 to 85 took part in the study, published online in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), and were followed for an average of five years.
Anyone with a disease that could cause problems with walking - such as those with Parkinson's disease or dementia - were excluded from the analysis.

Experts monitored walking speed using a series of tests, including checking normal walking speed and the maximum speed people could manage without running.
Over the course of the study, 209 people died (99 from cancer, 59 from cardiovascular disease and 51 from other causes).

The authors, from the University Pierre and Marie Curie in France, found a link between cardiovascular deaths and walking speed even when factors likely to influence the results were taken into account.

They wrote: 'Participants in the lowest third of walking speed had a 44 per cent increased risk of death compared with those in the upper thirds.
'With regard to specific causes of death, participants in the lowest third of walking speed had about a threefold increased risk of cardiovascular death, while no relation was found with cancer mortality.

'This increased risk of cardiovascular death was seen in both sexes, younger as well as in older participants, those with or without a high risk vascular profile, and those with low or usual physical activity.

The experts said there was evidence of a link between low walking speed and increased thickness of arteries, which is associated with cardiovascular disease.Walking quickly has also been shown to increase levels of "good" cholesterol in the blood, which can cut the risk of heart disease.

The authors said the results showed the need to keep fit and healthy as people age.
'These findings show that assessment of motor performances in older people with simple measures such as walking speed can be performed easily and that the role of fitness in preserving life and function in older age is important.

Judy O'Sullivan, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: 'This study supports previous findings which show that exercise is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
'Adults should be doing 30 minutes aerobic exercise every day - walking at a moderate pace is an easy way to achieve this.

Inactive and unfit people have almost double the risk of dying from coronary heart disease when compared with more active people.

Being active at any age helps control your weight, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and help provide long-term benefits for your heart health.'Read more: