Saturday, April 30, 2011

[OMG] Porn-viewing MP waiting for permission to quit

Arifinto, a legislator and member of the conservative Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) who handed in his resignation after being caught red-handed viewing pornographic media during a House session, was spotted at the House of Representatives on Friday, apparently still waiting for the President to approve his resignation.
"As long as a presidential decision had not yet been issued, my status remains as an [active] member of the House," Arifinto said Friday.
He added that what mattered most to him was that he had submitted a resignation letter to his party.
According to Arifinto, his letter of resignation also needed to be approved by his party's executive board (DPP), and then the General Elections Commission (KPU), followed by the Internal Affairs Ministry, before it finally reached the State Secretariat.
"The letter sent to the [PKS] executive board was submitted yesterday," Arifinto said, as reported by
-The Jakarta Post/Asia News Network

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