Monday, July 6, 2009

Coffee is poison: To drink or not to drink ?

Nugget 1: Caffeine causes blood vessels in the brain to tighten which means not a lot of oxygen can get into the bloodstream. This is why you can't get a good nights sleep if you drink coffee at night - caffeine blocks what you need to have a deep sleep.

Nugget 2: Caffeine also increases dopamine levels (transmitters for your nervous system) just like heroine and cocaine. This excites the part of your brain that controls pleasure and helps the drug become addictive.

Living in the days of today, who don't intake coffee for caffeine to keep oneself awake ?
Most wants the drink for that energy rush, some drink it for the taste while the rest drink them for the addictions. Coffee has been around for over a thousand years cultivated by the Ethiopian highlanders. Ever since, these native beans brought a strange source of power to the mankind pinching them awake no matter how tired they are. Now let Bigmouth give some facts on the harm the coffee can bring us and some consequences of overdrinking them...

7 Harmful effects of coffee :

1) These heart pumping drink makes you get cold hands, tense muscles, an excited feeling when the caffeine starts to work. When coffee is taken in excess, it causes a feeling of oppression or anxiety in the epigastrium, with over-excitement of the nervous system, indicated frequently by vertigo, headache, palpitation, muscular tremors, and other symptoms of irritation of the nervous centres. But, even in the largest quantities, it never produces, so far as I have ever witnessed, intoxication or stupor, or any other of those peculiar effects on the brain, which characterize the cerebral stimulants or stimulating narcotics in full action...

2)Drinking coffee on an empty stomach produces an even greater increase in stomach acid, and can cause stomach pain almost immediately in some people. ¨The caffeine, oils and acids in coffee irritate the stomach lining, which can cause excessive production of hydrochloric acid leading to a variety of digestive ailments. Decaf, which contains the same oils and acids as regular coffee as well as traces of methylene chloride, brings on the same increase in stomach acid.

3) Coffee affects the lower esophageal sphincter which controls the opening between the stomach and the throat. When there is a change in the pressure of this esophageal sphincter, a reflux of stomach acid comes up into the throat causing “heartburn.” Some people already have an abnormality in this sphincter which coffee exacerbates.

4) Indigestion, habitual constipation, and torpor of the liver, are among the effects of its abuse exhibited in the digestive function; nervous headache, sick-headache, vertigo, various disorders of sight and hearing, neuralgic pains and an infinite diversity of disordered sensation, palpitations, muscular tremors.

5) Coffee tends to slow down the passage of waste through the small intestine and speed it up in the large intestine.

6) If you have been drinking coffee for years, the chronic irritation of your stomach lining can lead to inflammation and pain -- even if you only drink one or two cups a day.

7) Most of the coffee quiters will experience withdrawals symptoms and headaches.

Nugget 3: Did you know that the pop with the most caffeine in it is Afri-Cola followed by Jolt? Mountain Dew has more caffeine in it than Coca-Cola, except in Canada where the Dew doesn't do caffeine. Coca-Cola, which has more caffeine than Pepsi, has the same amount as Diet Coca-Cola.

Nugget 4: Even thought Islam prohibits the use of alcohol as a beverage butcoffee is used as a suitable alternative to wine.

After so many negative effects on coffee, here's one postive one...

"Coffee can keep your brain young? This study found that drinking 3-5 cups per day cuts your risk of Alzheimer's by more than half.

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